Danica Patrick Has Made Her Feelings About Martin Truex Jr. Crystal Clear

Danica Patrick blasted Martin Truex Jr. for his statement following the death of his ex-girlfriend, Sherry Pollex. Apparently, Patrick felt that Truex's words felt disingenuous. "But this is the most insensitive disconnected statement from a guy that I have never liked," she wrote on her Instagram Stories on September 18 while reposting Truex's statement. "I don't care what happened between them but this is as cold as it gets. A PR rep wrote this guaranteed. You're free from this now Sherry," Patrick harshly added.

Those words didn't go unnoticed by NASCAR fans, and Patrick received serious blowback. "Danica Patrick's post on her Instagram story is classless and disgusting," one disgruntled fan wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "Danica Patrick is f***ing insufferable man, what a weird thing to stick your nose into," another added. Another fan wrote how Truex was in an unenviable spot to comment on the death of a longtime partner he was no longer dating. 

Days after Pollex's death, NASCAR announced in an Instagram post on September 22 that cars racing that weekend would have a special teal-colored ribbon decal to honor Pollex. Fans showed up in the comment section to pile on Patrick for her comments. "I personally don't care why they broke up ... And Danica Patrick can stick it where the sun don't shine," one Instagram user wrote. In the past, Patrick had shown support for Pollex following her diagnosis.
